How do I deal with a long distance relationship? I always miss my boyfriend but don't have chances to see him! How do I deal? I need help!!Long Distance Relationship?
I Am in my third long distance relationship. The first was the hardest because neither of us had cars So we would go months without seeing each other. All i really can say is that if both of you are willing to work at it it will work. It will hurt to be away from him but if you love him then its worth it. Find other ways like sending him cute things in the mail or just any other thing you can think of to keep you connected. Hope i helped :)Long Distance Relationship?
I am the same way. Just wait till you get a license and drive down there. Don't listen to other people, they will just make fun of you. My love is true and pure not like other people.
try to make times of you going to see him or him coming seeing you.. or think about if the relationship is worth this long realationship..
me and the hubby talk every day. i know how hard this is the hubby live in a different country but we sure make it work.
This is the hardest thing ive everrr done with my boyfriend. Its so much strain and stress to go through it. You just kind of do. make sure you guys set up times to talk and make sure you being open with each other about everything. Make sure your making time for each other. It really takes a strong local relationship to go through a long distance but as far as missing him you might try to keep yourself busy, with friends, activities and just stuff to do to keep your mind of not having him around
call him at night..or text if you are busy during the day..or find a hobby that you can do with friends, that way you can look forward to doing it with them..
im sorry but long distance is not the way to go
It is hard. I met my girlfriend online and were in a long distance relationship for probably 4-5 years before she moved down here for college. It was rough. Make sure you call each other everyday.
First advice: break up. It doesn't work well. For almost two years I dated a boy in Korea (I was in U.S.), and it was sooo difficult cuz we could only meet a few times.
If you don't want to break up, the best thing is use webcam and msn to chat a lot. That's all I could do. Webcam+msn+phone/mic.
Send packages to each other.
Send a lot of text messages.
Talk about him to your friends a lot. Always made me feel better.
theres many option . either tru email , chatting or call him. long distance relationship is very painful .
im currently in a long distance relationship. i haven't seen my girlfriend in 7 months (im deployed to iraq right now) what i would recommend is keeping yourself busy but make sure you make him a priority. spend time on the phone every night with him, do things to keep you busy IE job, friends, other clean fun. stick it out you never know it may be worth it in the end. im glad i stuck it out
Im in a LD relationship. I feel the same. I really want to be with her and such, all I do is look forward to the next time we will be together.
The trouble with long distance relationship is that you each develop an idea of what the other is during your time apart and the longer that the relationship continues, the more your ideas of your partner differs from reality, you wind up in love with someone that does not exist and you may realize that too late.
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