Saturday, August 21, 2010

Long Distance Relationships?

I've been with my boyfriend for almost 11 months now, and he left for college almost 2 months ago. Before we left, we had the ';textbook'; relationship and everything went perfectly. But ever since he's been at college its been really hard for me to deal with. Considering he's five hours away and I see him maybe one weekend a month, we rarely see each other. I know he's really busy with school and work but it hurts to know we rarely even speak. And on top of that he went to lunch with this girl he met and when I expressed my feelings about this he said I was over-reacting because he was just trying to be friendly and meet new people. I trust him, and I have trusted him for the entirety of our relationship. But I'm afraid girls at his school will try and take him away from me, although he's said that will never happen what should I do? and how should I react?Long Distance Relationships?
You're handling it much better than most people do. When two people are separated like this, it's really hard to be the one who stays behind while the other goes away. It takes a lot more strength to do that. Let me see if I can shed some light on this for you.

Meeting people in college and making new friends is strenuous, and especially in the beginning, everyone is just as desperate as everyone else. They've all left their homes and friends and girlfriends and boyfriends, and even after two months, many people still haven't found their place. Since eating alone really sucks, people are willing to eat with almost anyone they know by name. So it doesn't really mean much when two people eat together. I think you're safe putting your trust in him.

One thing I can suggest is a pair of webcams. Wal-Mart sells single and two-pack Logitech webcams, which come with software. MSN Messenger is the best service I ever encountered for webcam chat, since the picture is big and clear. The audio sucks, but you can defeat that by talking on cell phones, or just type back and forth. It's nice to see each other in live action, and they can be really fun... if you know what I mean. Best wishes, and good luck.Long Distance Relationships?
I am had a similar problem with my exgirlfriend in the military even though you are worried about the girls at his school the real issue is that you are feeling insecure about yourself and if you honestly believe your boyfriend would never do any thing to hurt you go with that. I see were you are coming from but take my advice and if you care for him and know he cares for you dont make the same mistake that i made Go with your gut feeling and dont let anyone tell you other wise. You can take that how you want
You will probably hate to hear this but you should let him go for this time, Long distance relationships get very hard on each other in the long run. Unless you planning on going him in a year then you should be fine in the relationship. If you were good to him he will come back to you. if you stay with him he will feel down, + it never hurts for you too meet someone new, there are alot of interesting guys out there.

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